Sunday 13 December 2015

Today Questions & Answers

Today Questions & Answers

        1. Which type of dryer can be used to dry fruits and vegetables using renewable energy?
             (a) Oil furnace (b) Solar dryer (c) Coal furnace (d) Wood-based furnace

         2. Solar photovoltaic cell converts solar energy directly into
                   (a)    Mechanical energy (b) Electricity (c) Heat energy (d) Transportation

        3. What does SPV stand for with respect to solar energy?
                  (a) Solar photovoltaic (b) Solid platevoltaic (c) Solar platevoids (d) None of the above

        4. Solar energy travels through space by the process of
                   (a)    Conduction (b) Convection (c) Radiation (d) Transportation

        5. A solar pond is a combination of which of the following combinations?
                  (a)    Solar energy collection & heat storage (b) Solar energy storage & heat collection 
                  (c) Solar  energy collection & energy storage (d) None of the above

       6. Pyranometer is an instrument used for measuring the
                 (a)    Temperature of solar photovoltaic cell (b) Solar irradiance of a solar photovoltaic cell 
                 (c) Wind speed of a solar photovoltaic cell (d) Efficiency of a solar photovoltaic cell

      7. A solar still is device used for
                (a)    Heating water (b) Cooling water (c) Distilling water (d) Production of electricity

      8. Which of the following solar energy devices is designed to reflect & concentrate 
          energy from sunlight?
                (a)    Solar cooker (b) Solar cell (c) Solar water heater (d) Solar concentrator

     9. A pyrheliometer is an instrument used to measure the
               (a)    Temperature of solar photovoltaic cell (b) Intensity of direct solar radiation at normal   
                 incidence (c) Intensity of indirect solar radiation (d) Efficiency of a solar photovoltaic cell

    10. The term beam solar radiation is related to
               (a)    Small hydropower (b) Flat plate solar collector (c) Turbine (d) Coal extraction mechanism

           Answer: (1) B , (2) B , (3) A , (4) C , (5) A  ,(6) B, (7) C ,(8) D , (9) B ,(10)  B


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