Monday 21 December 2015

Today Questions and Answers Questions and Answers

  1. Solar radiation that has not been absorbed or scattered and reaches the earth surface directly is called
   (a) Beam radiation (b) Scattered radiation (c) Diffused radiation (d) Radiation

  2. The total solar radiation received at any point on the earth's surface is termed as
   (a) Insulation (b) Insolation (c) Radiation (d) Insulated radiation

 3. A pyrheliometer is an instrument that measures
   (a) Diffuse solar radiation (b) Scattered solar radiation (c) Beam Solar radiation (d) Total radiation

4. What kind of energy does a wind turbine use?
(a) Kinetic energy (b) Potential energy (c) Chemical Energy (d) Thermal energy

5. Which of the following states in India ranks first in the installation of wind power?
(a) Gujarat (b) Andhra Pradesh (c) Maharashtra (d) Tamil Nadu

6. Horizontal axis windmills of modern design can
(a) Always turn towards the direction of the wind (b) Never adjust the energy output (c) Never turn towards the direction of the wind (d) None of the above

7. Which of the following sources emit fewer pollutants?
(a) Coal (b) Petroleum (c) Charcoal (d) Wind energy

8. The maximum energy conversion efficiency of a wind turbine for a given swept area is
(a) 25.1% (b) 50.4% (c) 59.3% (d) 99.9%

9. If the velocity of wind is doubled, then the power output will increase by
(a) 10 times (b) 8 times (c) 2 times (d) 6 times

10. The term Darrious & Savonius rotor are related to
(a) Small hydropower (b) Wind energy (c) Turbine (d) Coal extraction mechanism

11. Power output from a wind energy electric generator is directly proportional to
(a) wind velocity (b) Square of wind velocity (c) Cube of wind velocity (d) Square root of wind velocity

22. Another name for a windmill is
(a) Wind farm (b) Propeller (c) Wind station (d) Wind turbine

13. A place where many wind turbines are installed together to produce electricity is called a
(a) Wind farm (b) Propeller collection (c) Wind station (d) Wind turbine station

14. What type of energy is associated with wind?
(a) Potential energy (b) Chemical energy (c) Kinetic energy (d) Rotational energy

15. Wind blows because of a difference in
(a) Temperature (b) Latitude (c) Longitude (d) Height

Answers: (1). A , (2). B , (3). C  , (4). A  , (5). D  , (6).  A, (7). D , (8). C , (9). B , (10). B  , (11). C , (12). B , (13). A , (14).  C, (15). A.

16. Wind turbines using aerodynamic lift produce more energy for a given area than wind turbines using aerodynamic drag as the
(a) Lifting force pushes the blade in the direction of the wind (b) Lifting force mis roughly perpendicular to the local flow fields (c) Lifting force produces more torque (d) Drag services capture more energy because of greater friction on the blade surfaces

17. Which of the following sources of energy does not get depleted?
(a) Natural gas (b) Coal (c) Petroleum (d) Wind

18. The relationship between power available from wind 'P' and wind velocity 'v' is
(a) P ά v (b) P ά v 2 (c) P ά v 3 (d) P = v

19. An anemometer is an instrument used for measurement of
(a) Solar radiation (b) Wind speed (c) Temperature gradient (d) Depth in ocean

20. Lower speed wind turbines are mainly driven by
(a) Drag forces (b) Lift forces (c) Push forces (d) None of the above

Answer Key: (1)  A, (2) B , (3) C , (4) A , (5) D  , (6)  A, (7) D , (8)C  , (9) B , (10) B , (11) C , (12) B , (13) A , (14) C , (15) A , (16) C , (17) D , (18) C , (19) B , (20) A ,


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