Tuesday 15 December 2015

Today Question and Answer

new-iconToday Question and Answer

1.  Which of the following is not related to solar photovoltaic systems?
     (a) Cooking (b) Lighting (c) Irrigation (d) Generation of electricity

2. Solar energy cannot be stored in which of the following mediums?
    (a) Water (b) Iron (c) Gas (d) Wood

3. Solar desalination provides
    (a) Drinking water in areas where only salty or brackish water is available and distilled water  
     for  batteries (b) Distilled water needed for batteries (c) Drinking water in areas where only   
      salty or brackish water is available (d) None of the above

4. What material does a solar pond contain?
    (a) Salt (b) Sugar (c) Stone (d) Lime

5. A group of solar collectors connected together is called a
    (a) Solar cell (b) Solar array (c) Solar centre (d) Solar concentrator

6. In a box type solar cooker, the box is covered with a
   (a) Single glass layer cover (b) Double glass layer cover (c), Triple glass layer cover (d) Four  
         glass layer cover

7. Sunlight light reaches the earth through
    (a) Direct radiation (b) Diffuse radiation (c) Scattered radiation (d) All of above

8. Satellites in space are provided power with the help of
   (a) Wind (b) Rain water (c) Solar photovoltaic cells (d) Petroleum

9. The working of a solar water heater is based on which of the following technologies?
      (a) Solar photovoltaic technology (b) Solar thermal technology (c) Solar cell technology (d)  
       Solar electricity technology

10. Solar radiation that is received after it changes its direction due to reflection and scattering in  
      the atmosphere is called
      (a) Diffused radiation (b) Scattered radiation (c) Beam radiation (d) Radiation 

11. Expansion of NIWE
     (a) National Institute of Wind and Energy (b) National Institute of Wind Energy
     ( c) National and Institute of Wind Energy (d) National Institute Wind Energy

Answer: (1)  A , (2). D (3)  C , (4). A , (5). B, (6). B, (7). D, (8). C, (9). B, (10). A , (11). B


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